Substance Use Treatment
Our substance use counseling and treatment services are based on the philosophy of harm reduction, which means there is no requirement for a client to stop usage or change use.
Services & Programs
The Stonewall Project is a state-certified drug and alcohol treatment program. Our harm reduction counseling services center queer, gay, bisexual, same-gender-loving men, trans and nonbinary folks, and other men who have sex with men.
We offer Suboxone treatment to homeless or marginally housed people who would like to stop or reduce their use of heroin, fentanyl—or other opiates—through the Street Medicine team operated by the San Francisco Department of Public Health. For more information, visit the 6th Street Center in person during regular hours.
Our Syringe Access & Disposal services provide safer injection equipment and other supplies that prevent the transmission of HIV and improve the health of people who use drugs.