The Stonewall Project
Counseling for gay, bisexual, queer & trans men interested in changing their relationship to drugs & alcohol.
Finding your way through the healthcare system, getting access to insurance and benefits, reaching substance use goals, and starting and staying on medication can be difficult. That’s why we have team members devoted to case management and counseling–providing individualized support to people taking PrEP, living with HIV and changing their relationship to drugs and alcohol.
We provide free no-judgement counseling for gay, bisexual, queer and trans men interested in managing, reducing or stopping their use of drugs and alcohol.
For people living with HIV, we provide individualized support in connecting to medical care and other services.
Counseling for gay, bisexual, queer & trans men interested in changing their relationship to drugs & alcohol.
Sexual health care, testing, anal health services, PrEP and other health and wellness services.