Our Advocacy

We focus on policies and funding for HIV prevention and care, sexually-transmitted infection and hepatitis C prevention and treatment, PrEP, harm reduction initiatives including supervised consumption sites, access to healthcare and healthcare affordability, housing and homelessness prevention, and more.

Our policy and advocacy team champions evidence-based policies at the local, state and federal levels, fighting every day to protect the health justice of people in our community. Together with partner organizations and community members, we shape legislation and funding for programs and policies that affect us all.

Areas of Focus


We fight for policies that improve access to quality, affordable health care, and other initiatives that improve public health.


We work to improve the housing landscape in San Francisco to reach a day when nobody is left without a place to call home.


We advocate for policies and practices that improve the health and lives of people who use substances.

Our Impact in 2018

$19 million

increase in Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA)


letters sent to Governor Brown in support of AB 186

$5 million

increase in HIV prevention funding in California

Advocate and take action

Concerned about funding for harm reduction, HIV and overdose prevention? To get more involved with our policy and advocacy work, join our HIV Advocacy Network or text RESIST to 52886.

Learn More