June 17, 2021–Today, the Supreme Court upheld a challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by a vote of 7 to 2. SFAF applauds the CA Attorney General and Solicitor General’s Offices for their successful response to California, et al., Petitioners v.s. Texas, et al. in the Supreme Court. The ACA is a critically important cornerstone of federal public health law that increasingly ensures accessible and affordable health care for over 31 million people in our country.
We cannot overstate the importance of this ruling on the ACA, which comes in the midst of a global pandemic. Since its inception, the ACA has brought affordable health insurance to many in our communities who otherwise might forgo expensive preventive treatment and care–including people living with HIV and other health conditions. The ACA helps to ensure that people living with HIV and other pre-existing conditions cannot be denied health insurance coverage, has expanded Medicaid eligibility beyond health status to income, and helps people afford expensive medications for treatment and care.
We believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege based on one’s ability to pay, citizenship, race, or imimgration status. We hope that this decision by the Court will move us closer to universal health insurance coverage for all in our country, and we call on our legislators to advance this as a priority for us all.