PrEP Facts: Who can take PrEP?

PrEP Facts: ¿Para quién es PrEP? [Spanish]
PrEP works for women, men, young people, transgender and non-binary people, people of all gender identities and sexual orientations, and people who inject drugs. You might decide to use PrEP as your sole HIV prevention method, or you might use PrEP along with condoms or other tools as an extra layer of protection.
PrEP may not be the right fit for everyone. It means more medical visits, more attention to taking pills, and/or making sure you receive your PrEP injections on time. If you’re satisfied with the prevention method(s) you’re currently using, taking PrEP may not be necessary. That’s OK, because PrEP is one of many ways you can lower your chance of HIV infection.
If you think PrEP might be right for you but aren’t sure how it will fit your life, you can try it out for a short time. If you like it, great! If you decide it’s not the right fit for you, you can safely stop with guidance from your healthcare provider. (And you can always restart PrEP if you change your mind.)