Programa Latino

El Grupo de Apoyo Latino [Spanish]

Don’t know where to start? Email for more information or to receive regular updates.

[At] Programa Latino I am able to talk about myself, I am helped with both my physical and mental health, but most of all, [it’s] a place where I am loved unconditionally.
FC Programa Latino member

Services & Community Events

Individual Services

The Programa Latino Individual Services convey HIV health and sexual risk reduction practices to non-acculturated and monolingual Spanish speakers regardless of their immigration status and who have difficult time navigating the labyrinthine systems of HIV care and prevention.

Drop-in hours for new participants are 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have questions, please email

Group Services

Group sessions are provided daily, and organized in two cycles during the year: The first cycle is from March to June and the second cycle is from September to December. Groups are designed to assist in the learning process of individuals who wish to become healthier in the spectrum of HIV health and migrants and immigrant communities. Friends and supportive allies are also welcome to join the group sessions.

El Grupo de Apoyo Latino

Our support group, El Grupo, has been a stable source of family and community for Latinos, Latinas and their families since the early 1980s. Join us for information about sexual health and harm reduction, meals and social support, and help finding health and social services.

Leadership Development

Programa Latino offers HIV health promoting trainings for community members who wish to become Promotores de Salud or Peer Health Educators. These trainings are organized several times a year and delivered in Spanish.

Community Mobilizing

Programa Latino is one of the co-founders and organizers of the Health Pavilions at San Francisco Carnaval, Gay Pride, Folsom Street Fair, and the Día de Los Muertos Fair. Community members or community-based organizations interested in planning, participating in, or providing services at these events can email us at

Community Meetings and Activations

Programa Latino community advisory board meets weekly to provide input to our service delivery. Our events are successful because we engage community members to identify outreach opportunities that align with existing cultural ecology. In addition, Programa Latino co-leads meetings to organize and implement health promotion events with a process from and for the community that centers Latin immigrant and migrant communities culturally and linguistically.

Community Cultural Events

Programa Latino, in partnership with community members and community based organizations host Latin cultural events during the year.

Program Staff

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